At Lindberg, we work actively with environmental issues and are constantly looking for new materials and manufacturing methods that are improved from an environmental perspective. This is perhaps most visible in the clothes we sew up, where, for example, winter jackets and overalls are products that are constantly being developed.
We carefully follow the chemical restrictions that apply and all our products must be free of substances that
added to the EU's candidate list (REACH) of "dangerous substances".
REACH is a chemical legislation that regulates the use of hazardous substances in the production of goods.
Its main objective is to protect human health and the environment from risks caused by various chemicals.
If you are interested and want to read more about REACH, you can visit their website at REACH or via the Chemicals Inspectorate .
Our environmental work is under constant development and something that is always relevant for updates
after which new and improved working methods and materials become available for our production.

Vårt mål är tillverka produkter som håller i många år. Produkter som kan lagas (med lagnings kit) och med smarta funktioner som t ex ”growcuff” för att utöka plaggens ärm- och benlängd och där med förlänga plaggets livslängd. Vi använder oss inte av dun eller äkta päls i våra produkter(pälsprodukterna i vårt sortiment är tillverkade av syntetisk päls) och Lindberg tar avstånd från all oetisk djurhållning. Vi är t ex noga med att merinoull skall komma från får där s k mulesing inte förekommit. Produkternas kvalitet har stort värde för oss och vi vill designa och tillverka kläder som håller länge och kan gå i arv till flera. All impregnering av vattentäta material är PFAS-fri (fri från fluorkarboner). Vi använder en impregnering från Rudolf Group som heter Bionic-Finish Eco. En impregnering som ”härmar” naturens egen funktion av vattenavvisning. Läs mer om detta på Rudolfs hemsida:
Lindberg has no factories of its own, but manufacturing is outsourced to production facilities we have carefully selected
the requirements and criteria we have for good working conditions and environmental thinking.
We have contracted all manufacturers where they guarantee good working conditions for employees. That part of the contract is called the "Code of Conduct" and you can see an excerpt from it here.
Otherwise, the contract contains other guidelines and requirements that, for example, the manufacturing processes are free from the substances included in the EU's REACH candidate list, as well as instructions and requirements regarding the quality, packaging and labeling of the goods.
Today, manufacturing takes place mainly in China, but also in countries such as Sweden, Poland, Portugal and India.
If you would like more information about our manufacturing sites, please contact us at .
home ground
In addition to having a responsibility to ensure that all our employees are happy in their position, we also have a responsibility to work
after always finding new innovative solutions for energy saving and recycling.
This is perhaps most visible in the investment we made in fossil-free solar energy at our office and warehouse facility in Edsbyn
but also on the sorting we have for cardboard, plastic and rubbish.
Several of the materials we use in production are OEKO-Tex 100 approved, such as the PU material we have in our rainwear and the merino wool we have for base layers. Bluesign materials are also used in the manufacture of certain winter overalls and winter pants.
We continuously test our materials to ensure that they meet the quality requirements we have set.
and that it does not contain any hazardous chemicals or substances.